Accidents happen every day in many companies. Some injuries that include these types of claims are strain injuries, injuries due to slip and fall, or injuries due to the pieces of equipment going wrong and being defective; these injuries are severe and can harm a person’s life, turning it completely upside down. While claiming financial compensation, security cameras can play an essential role in making an impact on your case. 

Surveillance recordings can make a direct impact to help or harm your injury claim, and these recordings may be obtained from cell phones, cameras, and investigators. In certain situations, insurance firms might claim that the injury sustained is not related to work, thereby leading to the worker’s claim. 

In such cases, surveillance footage plays a crucial role in demonstrating the potential link between the workplace and the injury. If you need help regarding a Workers Compensation claim, you should hire a lawyer. 

Pros and cons of using surveillance cameras to support claims.


If you experience a workplace injury, surveillance footage could work in your favor and strengthen your position. Security cameras may confirm that the incident took place at your workplace and illustrate how dangerous conditions could have played a role in your injury. With correct recordings and statements, you can verify that your claims were submitted within the given timeframe.


Unfortunately, insurance companies might attempt to reject your claims by exploiting surveillance footage to your disadvantage against you. For instance, some healthcare providers might hire private investigators to gather evidence of an injured worker engaging in routine activities, suggesting an exaggeration of their injury severity. They may also record footage to establish that the injured worker is not utilizing a prescribed Medical aid, such as a crane or neck brace. Such pieces of evidence can be used to diminish the compensation that the company should have given. 

How you should handle workers’ compensation surveillance: 

An inquiry into your accident is unavoidable. Still, there are measures you can implement to safeguard the credibility of your claim:

  • Trust your doctor’s directions:

Always ensure that you follow your doctor’s recommendations, stick to the prescribed medications, and utilize any provided equipment. Following the guidelines of a medical professional not only facilitates your recovery but also reduces the risk of a private insurance investigator obtaining footage that could compromise your claim.

  • Avoid investigators:

You must avoid having conversations with the hired investigators because they could use evidence that might work against you.

  • Hire a lawyer:

Facing a worker’s compensation insurance company alone does not level the fighting field. You must hire a good lawyer to defend you in any circumstances.